Stephen King – Night Shift Audiobook

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1978 Stephen King – Night Shift Audiobook (short stories)

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Stephen King – Night Shift Audiobook



Never trust your heart to the New York Times bestselling master of suspense, Stephen King. Especially with an anthology that includes the classic tales “Children of the Corn,” “The Lawnmower Man,” “Graveyard Shift,” “The Mangler,” and “Sometimes They Come Back”-that were made into struck horror films.

In the depths of darkness, where hideous rats defend their empire, to dizzying heights, where a beautiful woman hangs by a hair above a hellish fate, this terrifying collection of twenty short stories will plunge readers into the subterranean labyrinth of the very spine-tingling, eerie creativity of our time. Stephen King – Night Shift Audiobook.
Young, unpublished writers tend to be somewhat frustrated. Especially talented ones. They compose something they put it out into the world, along with the response is rejection. Trash. Not for us. Fantastic luck with your future endeavors. “Fine,” the young author thinks back at his desk, “fine, they did not like this? And he comes back with another, greater story which can be reversed. The publisher didn’t know exactly what to make of it, or they had a surfeit of material from their stable of recognized scribblers. Sorry. Maybe next time. What is he going to do? He writes more. I will show them! Himself is promised by the young.

Stephen King actually began selling fiction if he was still only a teenager. But the brief stories in his original set, Night Shift, possess a tightly-wound power, an anger and a scabrous comedy that could only come from somebody whose interior monologue consisted of just I will show them! I’ll show them! Stephen King – Night Shift Audiobook Free.
Look at Night Alter’s first entry, the H.P. Lovecraft homage, “Jersulaem’s Lot”. (Over) composed in an epistolary format, together with archaic vocabulary and grammatic constructions, “Jerusalem’s Lot” looks designed to dazzle the reader with its virtuosity. It lacks the verve and story punch of the remaining part of the group, but it doesn’t seem to be the point of its inclusion. Goddamn it, I can write! Appears to be the message. Which is all well and good, but if this was exactly what King had to offer, he’d still be banging out stories sitting in the laundry room of the double-wide trailer.

It is the next selection, “Graveyard Shift”, that really brings the merchandise. The story of 2 guys, one a college kid, another a middle-aged foreman, exploring the sub-basements of an industrial laundry room, “Graveyard Shift” fairly seethes with an I-have-got-to-get-out-of-this-shithole-town despair that supercharges the comparatively spare prose. “A sudden, rainy ripping noise” “A legless rat lunged against biting. Its body was flabby, warm.” “A dreadful mewling.” The imagery is much more gross than gruesome, carefully designed to excite pure, primal horror. The reader finishes the previous line and, shuddering, puts the audio book down. Stephen King – Night Shift Audiobook Download .
King cackles, then cracks his knuckles and whips out another one.

Let us be frank: there are a few dogs. “Trucks”, although it efficiently employs King’s plainspoken, verite narrative techniques (third individual close outlook, pop culture references( realistically snippy dialogue exchanges), is a profoundly stupid story about sentient. . .trucks. “Battleground”, about a guy who fights a pitched battle against green military guys, is basically a script for a “Twilight Zone” episode. “The Lawnmower Man” is an exercise in gross nothing longer.

But, man! The remaining stories! Night Shift is like a best hits album, and it was only the guy’s very first collection. . .how can one account for the sustained brilliance of Kind’s output between (approximately) 1969 and 1975 (ish)? Oh! Right. Frustration. Short stories – Night Shift Audiobook.

Novels he composed in this period, including The Running Man, Rage, Thinner, The Long Walk, and Blaze, were later published and became best-sellers. But at the moment, it was all he could do in order to market the strange narrative to men’s magazines like Adam and Juggs. His later literary bliss was there, such as the oak in the acorn. It had been growing, the entire world wasn’t making room for him, and the strain should have been tremendous. But he managed, like all fantastic artists, to channel it in his work–and that is why the stories in Night Shift stand head-and-shoulders above the remainder of his short fiction (with the exception of Different Seasons, but those stories were written to prove that he could do more than what-was-that-bump-in-the-night, and came from a similar place of anger). Night Shift Audio Book Full Online.

By his own account, King gathered countless rejections in those ancient, pre-Carrie decades. I wonder how many editors later approached him at conferences and audio book signings to try to get an autograph on a manuscript he’d submitted, one they had filed and forgotten for ages. I wager King tilted down his chin while he scrawled him name, hoping his hairy beard concealed his smug grin. He sure showed them! Night Shift is evidence .
Had heard alot of feedback from various sources with this compilation of stories, by the horror-miester himself; Stephen King. So I had purchased this adio book in hardcover for 2 reasons: my personal pleasure in reading his material. And to learn if he had “the stuff” to leave me wanting more. I am very happy to mention that this audio book was quite enjoyable, and will likely reread it again in the near future. I have always been a massive fan of Stephen King’s work; and anticipate buying his next publication etc.. If you want suspense and a good-old fashioned scaring that can do it for you! Stephen King – Night Shift Audiobook.