Stephen King – It Audiobook

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1986 Stephen King – It Audiobook read by Steven Weber

Stephen King - It Audiobook Free
Stephen King – It Audiobook




It by Stephen King is a book about the magic of childhood. The book centers around seven core characters, friends who bonded as kids through a summer of darkness. Twenty-seven decades later, they return to fulfill a promise made that terrible summer. Evil lives beneath their hometown and, for some reason they don’t understand, these seven have been destined to bring an end to the terrible cycle of death and destruction. These buddies fought It before, but it’s back, and they must finish the evil permanently. It’s a novel of mystery, magic, and terror that will amuse readers of all ages. Stephen King – It Audiobook.
Georgie Dunbrough is bored. It’s been raining for many days, and Georgie was stuck inside the house. Georgie’s older brother, Bill, is sick in bed, so Georgie tries to entertain himself by building a paper boat. However, Georgie can’t create the boat come out so that he turns to Bill for assistance. Bill makes the boat for Georgie and waterproofs it Georgie could sail his boat in the still flooded gutters outside. Georgie watches the ship sail down the road, excited by this simple game. Then, the ship sails into a drain. When Georgie tries to retrieve the boat, a clown appears in the drain. The clown gives Georgie his boat and, when Georgie attempts to shoot it, the clown tears his arm off, killing him.
Twenty-seven years after, a homosexual man is crushed to death in the exact same city of Derry, Maine. Stephen King It Audiobook Free Download. A couple of the witnesses report seeing a clown assault the man after his attackers throw him into the canal. These reports are buried by the cops exploring, but Mike Hanlon, the head librarian, hears about them and knows what they mean. Mike waits, but after nine children are killed, Mike cannot wait any longer. Mike begins calling his old childhood friends, bringing them back to Derry about the weight of a promise made during the summer of 1958.
Stan Uris, that has come to be a successful accountant, is the very first man Mike calls. Stan does not look mad after hanging up the telephone, simply bemused. Stan tells his wife he’s going to take a bathroom. When Stan’s wife goes to check on him a short time later, she discovers that he has committed suicide. It Audiobook Online. Richie Tozier is a DJ in Los Angeles, a master of many voices. Richie takes the call and is amazed how small he remembers about his youth. However, Richie begins to recall enough to understand returning to Derry, as Mike wants him to, scares him to death. Ben Hanscom walks into a pub in Nebraska and drinks a beer stein of whiskey without revealing signs of intoxication. Moments after the call, Ben notices scars on his belly he had forgotten that he had. Ben is fearful, afraid to go back but aware that he cannot refuse to honor his promise. Mike’s telephone has left Eddie confused and scared, but he knows he has to go back to Derry despite his wife’s protests. Beverly Rogan is awakened in the middle of the night by Mike’s call. Beverly begins to package while still on the telephone, unconsciously lighting a cigarette. Tom, Beverly’s husband, isn’t pleased with this as he’s told Beverly not to smoke around him. Tom catches his belt and begins to beat Beverly. For the first time Beverly fights back, letting Tom that the justification to give a fantastic beating before she escapes the house. Bill is in England when he receives the call. Bill tries to explain things to his wife, but can’t recall enough to explain why he wants to return to Derry. Bill has begun to stutter, something that he hasn’t done since he was a child, and this frightens his wife, Audra. Stephen King – It Audiobook Free.
As every individual gets his way back to Derry, they start to remember small snippets of their youth. Ben recalls being chased by the town bully into the Barrens, a jungle-like place in the center of Derry. After hiding from the bully, Ben runs into Bill and Eddie. Ben agrees to stay with Eddie while Bill goes. When Bill yields and Eddie has recovered from his attack, they tell Bill the way they were trying to construct a dam. Ben has a look at their attempts and offers to show them the way to generate a better dam. Ben is surprised when they take his offer and invite him to perform with them the following day.
Ben, Eddie and Bill spend the next day constructing a dam that is highly innovative for their age and experience due to Ben’s eye for construction. Late in the morning they are linked with Richie and Stan. While taking a rest, Bill tells his friends about a bizarre experience he needed in his brother’s room. Bill was looking through a photograph album Georgie used to maintain. From the album, there is Georgie’s last college picture. As Bill is considering the photograph it suddenly winks at him. Eddie tells everyone how he moved to the train yards, as he did on the weekends. It Audiobook by Stephen King. A couple of days later, Eddie returned into the home and went beneath the porch to peek within the cellar windows. A leper climbed out of the chimney and began to chase him. Eddie knew there was something alien about the leper because he watched orange pom poms, like a clown could wear, on its clothes. When Ben had been crossing the canal, he saw the mummy from a movie he had seen recently walking on the ice. The mummy was holding a bouquet of balloons that seemed to float against the wind. Richie denies having an experience like these, but Stan starts to tell a story when they are interrupted by Mr. Nell, a neighborhood beat cop. The cop tells them due to the complicated drainage system in Derry, the dam which the kids have built causes pipes to copy all over the city. The kids are advised to dismantle the dam. Stephen King – It Audiobook.
Richie speaks Bill into showing him Georgie’s picture album. They go to Bill’s house and sit alone in the area with the album between them. The school picture of George is gone and in its place is a classic photo of downtown Derry. As Richie and Bill view, the film begins to move. Bill is so intrigued by this phenomenon, ” he tries to touch the photograph. Rather than touching the surface of something strong, Bill’s fingers move into the picture. Richie pulls them out only to find that Bill’s fingers are cut at which they entered the image.
A Couple of Days after, Richie goes to the movies with Beverly and Ben. During the first movie, they see Henry Bowers, the town bully, along with his buddies below them. Ben is concerned as Henry is angry at him for entering the Barrens the last day of college. Richie tells him not to worry. However, Henry and his friends are awaiting them in the street. Henry tries to beat up Ben, but for the first time, Ben and his new friends can get the better of Henry and escape. Stephen King It Audio Book.
Days later, Bill informs Richie he wants to investigate the house on Neibolt Street. Bill takes his daddy’s gun in case there’s a trouble. Bill and Richie crawl beneath the porch and enter the cellar through the exact same window where Eddie stated the leper come out. Once within the cellar, Richie sees a werewolf come down the staircase. The werewolf frees the boys to the coal chute where Bill lifts Richie up to attempt to escape through the window. Since Richie is trying to get open, he could hear Bill crying at the werewolf and firing his dad’s gun. Richie climbs out the window and reaches back to help Bill. As Bill is going to emerge out the window, the werewolf grabs his leg. Richie blows sneezing power at the werewolf, which gives him and Bill enough time to reach Silver, Bill’s bike. The werewolf comes after Bill and Richie as Bill attempts to get the enormous bike moving. The werewolf handles to catch Richie once, but somehow the two boys make it to a populated area without being injured. Beverly bends and speaks to the voice, thinking it must be a child playing at the building’s basement. Unexpectedly, blood erupts from the drain, splattering the restroom. Beverly screams, bringing her dad into the room. Stephen King – It Audiobook. But, Beverly’s daddy can’t find the blood. When both her parents have gone to function, Beverly finds and goes Richie, Ben and Stan. Beverly takes her apartment and reveals them blood. They can see it. Richie, Ben and Stan help Beverly clean up the bathroom. Subsequently, Richie, Ben, Stan and Beverly visit a Laundromat to clean the rags. While they are waiting, Stan tells them how he had been bird watching in Memorial Park and was almost attacked by two dead teenagers at the Standpipe.
When everyone has arrived at Derry, Mike arranges a reunion lunch. Throughout lunch, everyone catches up in their lives. Subsequently, Mike informs them about the murders and his motives for calling. Among those reasons is that a message found close to the body of the last victim, the words have been home written repeatedly from the victim’s blood flow. Everyone agrees that it’s started again even though they cannot really remember what it may be. When they start to crack open the biscuits, strange things come out. Ben’s has teeth, Eddie’s a cricket, Richie’s an eyeball. But they’re the only ones that can see these items.
Following dinner, Mike suggests that everybody take a walk around Derry independently and then meet at the library after closing for another discussion. Stephen King It Audiobook Download. Ben goes to the library during his walk, a place where he spent a great deal of time as a young child, and runs into the clown, Pennywise, there. Eddie goes into the field where a bunch of kids always played ball when he had been a child. Richie walks downtown to Bassey Park and can be pounced upon by the giant statue of Paul Bunyan. Beverly returns to the flat where she and her parents lived just to find Pennywise awaiting her in the form of an old woman. Eventually, Bill requires a walk, talking to a couple of kids, and occurs upon a second hand store where he finds Silver for sale at the window.
That night when they meet at the library, every individual begins to tell stories about what they have begun to remember from that summer in 1958. Mike recalls the rock fight that brought him into the circle of friends. Mike was on his way to the church where he attended school if Henry Bowers and his buddies started to chase him. Mike ran into the train yards near the town dump. Bill and others were walking to the dump in the Barrens side and ran into Mike. Stephen King It Audiobook Free. Bill told everyone to gather rocks just as Henry Bowers and his friends appeared. Bill begin to throw rocks and, before anybody recognized it, Henry and his friends were beat back. When it was over and Henry was gone, promising revenge, Bill recognized that Mike was the final piece of the puzzle of friends. The Losers Club was now complete.
A couple of days later, the Losers began planning and building a clubhouse in the Barrens. They had wanted to build a treehouse, but Ben created the idea of digging a clubhouse from the soft earth, making a place hidden from outsiders. While they were constructing this clubhouse, Mike brought his dad’s record of historic pictures into the Barrens to show everybody. Inside were many images of the clown they’d seen, at various times extending more than a hundred years. While they were looking at these images, one of them started to move much like the film in Georgie’s album had completed.
Soon after the clubhouse is finished, Ben tells everyone about a convention he read about where Indians would utilize a den such as their clubhouse and burn green wood so as to cause a vision. Bill decides they should attempt this. It Audiobook Online. Bill also decides that Beverly should stay above ground so as to help anyone who’s overcome by the smoke. But, something else does not want anybody to remain outside. When Beverly insists they draw suits, the burnt match that’s supposed to decide the disappointment disappears. All seven move into the clubhouse and sit in the smoke until they cannot endure it any longer. Mike and Richie stay in the longest and have a vision where they view the day that It came into Derry. It is a time long ago, perhaps the start of time, and It comes from the skies in something such as a spaceship.
Bill decides that they should do research on these phenomenon and try to discover a way to kill It. Bill considers that a silver bullet could stop the creature, but does not know how to create one. They decide that rather than create a silver bullet, they ought to create silver slugs which can be taken with a slingshot. Beverly is preferred to take the slingshot, since she’s the best of all of them. Stephen King It Audiobook Free. Everybody goes to Bill’s house one night and watches as Ben makes the silver slugs. A couple of days after, the Losers return to the house on Neibolt Street to confront It. There they manage to make the animal emerge out of the plumbing in the bathroom. It strikes Ben, nearly disemboweling him. Beverly manages to have a shot off and injures It, causing it to run away.
The Losers understand they will need to face It someday, but are not certain when or how. Bill has Ben lead them to a pumping-station where they can enter the tunnels which contain the drainage system which runs under Derry. Once inside, Eddie has been given the task of directing them to Its nest. Bill doesn’t know what they will do after they arrive, but in his study, he stumbled upon a ritual called Chud. In this ritual, a individual is supposed to bite into the tongue of the glamour, the shape changing animal, and tell jokes. The very first one to laugh will be murdered by the other. When they reach Its nest, Bill does so, only with his mind instead of his entire body. Instead of telling jokes Bill stands around the monster, demonstrating his lack of fear. This series of fearlessness causes It amazing harm, and it sneaks away to some deeper portion of Its lair. Most of the others believe it’s lifeless, but Bill has his doubts. When they leave the tunnels, Stan cuts all the hands, and they create a blood oath to return if the killing begins again. It Audiobook by Stephen King.
In the current time, Mike sends everyone to bed, since he knows they will need to reenter the tunnels very soon. While Mike is cleaning up, Henry Bowers enters the library and strikes him with a knife. Bowers leaves the library and goes to the resort where the Losers are remaining. Bowers belongs to Eddie’s room and strikes him. Eddie manages to battle back and has the better of Bowers, stabbing him in the stomach with a broken Perrier bottle. Eddie calls for Bill, and he decided that they need to come back to the tunnels instantly.
After in the tunnels, Bill realizes that It’s somehow attracted his wife there. Stephen King – It Audiobook. Bill is angry, however, manages to concentrate on the task ahead. But, Bill isn’t strong enough alone. Eddie strikes It and sprays It with his aspirator. It snacks Eddie’s arm off, but not until it is badly injured from Eddie’s aspirator. Ben sees that It has laid eggs and stops to kill them while Bill and Richie go. Bill and Richie attack It, and Bill manages to strike Its heart.
When all is over, all six begin to lose their memories of this event, including Mike. Richie, Ben and Beverly return home. Bill remains in Derry along with his wife who is in a catatonic state as a result of visiting It. Bill understands the odd idea to take her for a ride. But this ride attracts Audra from her catatonic state, returning her to the exact same healthier girl she was before. Stephen King – It Audiobook.